LINES ON PAPER Artist Bio - Rick Altergott

Rick Altergott is the comics artist of 'Doofus', which has appeared in Peter Bagge's Hate, among others. Altergott has been doing this bizarre comics series, full of crass, sophomoric humor, with two pathetic losers for protagonists, since 1994. Though a longtime cult favorite amongst such cultural luminaries as a Dan Clowes, R. Crumb, Terry Zwigoff, Simpsons executive producer George Meyer and others, Doofus Omnibus is Altergott's first book, collecting most of his oeuvre into one place for the first time. Altergott is a master craftsman with a compulsion for the strange; his most famous character, Doofus - a panty-huffing hillbilly with a Dutchboy hairdo and cornfed sensibility - is the star of this show. Imagine Harmony Korine's film Gummo as a graphic novel drawn in pen and ink (but not written) by Norman Rockwell and starring the Three Stooges. Doofus Omnibus collects almost every Doofus story from the character's long history, and features an introduction (of sorts) by Ghost World author Daniel Clowes.

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